Wednesday 10 December 2008


I finally saw the famous scene that everyone talks about ( The triple repetition of "I want my son back") Brilliant! Initially I expected less from the film, such as totally hysterical Angelina! But she did great and I can not deny her performance. As a whole, the film had some sort of optimistic tone, which was reinforced by the original Clint Eastwood soundtrack. If I have to define the theme, probably I would suggest justice above all, or as a sub theme- hope keeps you alive. I'll go a bit out the main topic and mention some details other viewers have commented on in front of me. For example, they found it annoying that some characters were using accents from the 20's and others did not. Angelina was with her normal accent, one of the cops was trying to do some sort of Irish one, regarding the rest... only John Malcovich had an authentic accent. Excluding this, everything seemed to fit perfectly well in the film. Even the fact that Angelina was wearing the same coat throughout the movie made it more and more plausible, closer to a "true story". Probably she will be nominated for an Oscar.

Thursday 4 December 2008

Girl with a pearl earing

I've heard about this painting by an artist, so she also told me that there is a film based on the story. I finally watched it! (One less from my long list) I assume that the director is Dutch, because the film somehow carries an European ending... it means that it doesn't end with definite circumstances of the characters but only gives us a clue. Furthermore, the casting of Scarlet Johanson is quite successful. She not only looks like the lady from the painting, but also transfers subtle feelings and senses to the viewers. The quiet that pervades the work, the precision of the reflected light on the earing itself all speak to the ballance of Vermeer's canvasses.In my view the film is very carefully directed to transmit the same harmony and perfection that the painting radiates. The result: the film looks visually good. Most importantly, it gave me some insight about the colours, mixing them, "creating" the right ones. I totally love the story.

Show, don't tell !

I haven't watched a Chaplin film for a very long time, and yesterday while watching "The Gold Rush" I also recollected of a few childhood memories! (how irrelevant?) The scene when the house is about to fall off the hill has been repeated in many other movies. It was definitely entertaining to see how the "little fellow" is trying his best to impress his lady. But my favourite one is probably "The Kid" because of Jacky Coogan. This cute little kid is simply amazing! It doesn't really matter what he is doing, his size takes the attention of the viewer and all you think is his sweet little face! I can not believe he was Fester in the Adams Family... kids should never grow up