Monday 2 February 2009

Revolutionary Road

The week kicked off quite well- a sound class !!! I am seriously considering doing silent cinema from now on :) And speaking of sound, the soundtrack of Revolutionary road is quite nice. It's in my top ten non-intrusive ones together with Changeling. I suppose the theme of the film is something like : what if we don't live our lives the way we imagine it and let the dissatisfaction grow to the extend that it destroys them? To me the story felt quite realistic. Seeing Kate and Leonardo reunited on the screen after so many years created a bit of romantic expectations, but nevertheless
the unhappy couple worked just as fine. Very clever to include the character of Jack, the insane mathematician who is the only sane actually. Some people warned me that the film is extremely depressing (much more than The Reader... which is hard to imagine!), and still I feel a kind of relieved after watching it. Probably because it made me look closer into the variety of themes in the dysfunctional family, something that I haven't thought of writing before. What is also interesting about Revolutionary Road is the fast paste driving the narrative, suggesting to the viewer so clearly what is to come later in the very first 10 min.
I am wondering now who is going to get the Oscar? Angelina or Kate ! Hopefully not someone else...

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