Monday 4 May 2009

Week 27/04- 3/05

On Monday Kim was off , so our Coronation Street pitch did not happen. Instead, we watched all the footage from March's shoots with Gavin, from which some shots are quite satisfactory (Melissa's Mail)
Tuesday was an editing assessment- logging sheets into Final Cut Pro, capturing a few clips and logging into the Edit Share. Not bad!
On Wednesday we watched "In the heat of the night", a film staring actors who revolutionized acting. I find it entertaining to watch those films with the class because their is always an occasion for a good laugh! Besides, it's one film less from my list of films  I MUST see.
Thursday was long day- 1 lecture on misrepresentations on the screen; starting from females and going through race, ethnicity etc. Megan Fox was mentioned, I googled her images and I've no idea where Andy found that one, totally missing her full beam of light and glitter.  Then we watched a TV pilot about a few working class people from Liverpool and their constant struggle to become rich and successful.  
On Friday Adam covered mobile media and its potential for film platforms. In short, the only disadvantage of webisodes is they are not making any money yet. LOL is an example of well-made webisodes with professional technical values.
In the afternoon we had Abigail assigning us to do a strip board, which each one of us will discuss with her next Friday. It's more like a schedule with strips, but extremely helpful for the next shoots.

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