Monday 4 May 2009

Are aliens misrepresented on screen?

 To begin with the space ships, and going through the alien's extraordinary body, face and sometimes extreme hostility, Hollywood has a lot to explain if the DO show up to ask for reasons why they are presented in such a way. 
Moreover, do all aliens suck the blood out of people and kidnap them for experiments? Or is it just in War of the worlds with Tom Cruise saving the world. 

(For all alien lovers, do not take this blog too seriously)

1 comment:

Paul said...

In general, Hollywood seems simply to exploit aliens and in fact, despite one 1982 alien film, every film seems to show aliens in a bad light. When the imminent alien invasion happens, I believe these beings may be taking many directors and screenwriters to court. Spielberg is in DEEP do-do!

Not to mention the fact that some films with aliens are quite bad, like Tom Cruise' War Of The Worlds, that's a lawsuit on it's own, who says they even want to be called aliens?